… quality education by 2030
It’s obvious! The 130 million girls who are not in school around the world will never have this quality education!
The group ‘Voice of the girls’ – includ the ZONTA UNESCO Paris team – works for a joint project ‘relocate its advocacy’ on the creation of a coalition of:
- international NGOs,
- official partners of UNESCO, and
- national NGOs
Creation of the group ‘Voice of the girls Ivory Coast’ in May 2023
In cooperation with UNESCO, the group ‘Voices of Girls’ at UNESCO decided, in 2021, to address the national branches or branches of its international organizations, inviting them to found a group of national or local NGOs for the promotion of Day of the girl in francophone Africa.
Initiated by the group Voices of Girls Ivory Coast in collaboration with the Ministry of Women, Family and Children (MFFE), the International Day of the Girl was celebrated in October 2023 in AGBOVILLE (see photo).

Read more in the following PDFs from
Lydia Chaillou, Chair of the UN Committee:
Voice of the girls (english) | Voix des filles (français)
The day was dedicated to honor all these girls who are victims of violence and intolerance. It was also to take stock of their situation and set the new prospects in their favor.
The 2024 edition of the International Day of the Girl will be held on October 11th in Yamoussoukro / Côte d’Ivoire.