Profile and Contact

Zonta International District 29

What is ZAC?

Status October 2023

Zonta Awardees Connected (ZAC) is the link between awardees of all awards:

and Zonta. The aim of ZAC is to be an international network within Zonta in which awardees can connect with each other.

We want to strengthen the relationship among awardees as well as between awardees and Zontians, and foster the connection and identification of the awardees with Zonta.

How does ZAC work?

ZAC already exists as a LinkedIn group, a Slack group and a mailing list. We host regular (digital) meetings in order to get to know each other and to give us the opportunity to exchange our ideas about a range of topics concerning us as women. We will invite interested Zontians to these meetings as well, who can talk to us about their perspectives, and we will organize presentations."

Apart from that, in the future, we would like to regularly meet in person at official Zonta conferences, as has happened in small groups already in the last couple of years:

  • in Groningen, the Netherlands, during the District 29 Conference 2015
  • in Nice, France, 2016 during the Zonta International Convention
  • in Dortmund, Germany, during the District 29 Conference 2017
  • in Tartu, Estonia, during the European Interdistrict Seminar
  • in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, during the District 29 Conference 2019
  • in Hamburg, Germany, during the Zonta International Convention 2022 | see photo below
  • in Le Havre, France, during the District 29 Conference 2023 | fotos will follow soon

By actively spreading the word about ZAC, we now want to increase the reach of and awareness for these meetings. In general, each awardee is free to choose how much and how frequently they would like to participate in ZAC. ZAC's official language is English since awardees from all over the world are welcome in our network.

What are the benefits of actively using the ZAC network for me as an awardee?

  • Get to know impressive young women from all over the world
  • Exchange ideas and receive support for your career (for example, gain access to contacts for internships)
  • A better connection to Zonta and thus to an even greater network of inspiring women
  • Have the opportunity to share interesting events, books, etc.
  • Have the opportunity to engage in discussions about current topics

Zonta Awardees at the ZI Convention 2022 in Hamburg, Germany | Fotos from the D29 Conference, Le Havre will follow
Zonta International District 29

How can you participate in ZAC?

For more information about out network just send an e-mail or LinkedIn message to one of the following four awardees: Norina Poetter, Maja Völkel, Christin Zabel, Janine Ziemons.

ZAC Flyer (in English)| PDF | ZAC Flyer (in French) PDF 
ZAC Presentation at the D29 Conference 2023 | NINA NISA BREUER (YWPA 2019, ZONTA VIERSEN)


Contact for awardees:
Contact for clubs: Susanne Wedewer-Pampus:

Zonta International District 29